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Welcome to our group!

Synthesis, surface chemistry, optoelectronics

We aim to solve new and complex societal challenges in energy and sustainability by coupling open innovations in organic materials and advanced surface characterization, leading to advances in next-generation optoelectronics.

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Jan. 2025  We welcome our first graduate students, Seongbeom Lee and Yoomi Ahn. Glad to have you! 

Dec. 2024  Our group received MOE AcRF Tier 1 grant.

Nov. 2024  We are excited to have Dr. Nan Gan as our first Research Fellow. Welcome aboard, Nan!

Nov. 2024  Park group welcomes visiting students, Kar Ern Samuel Lim and Shibo Lyu. Welcome, Sam and Shibo!

Sept. 2024  Park research group is now officially opened.

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